Sunday, July 13, 2008

So, I'm sitting in the credit union...

getting a pre-approval for an auto loan. Well, I'm waiting patiently for the clerk to finish processing all the forms and figures.... It's a nice office, the muzak is tuned to a classic rock station which is great... but, as most of you know, I am a bit of a daydreamer, and anything that could possibly relate to an old TV show or movie usually triggers the scene in my brain...

meanwhile.... back at the credit union.... well, everything is going great, the clerk is going over some of the figures with me... and I notice the muzak is now playing... 'Everybody's working for the Weekend'.... great song, what's the problem, you say?... well, at some point I notice that I'm just ever so slightly bobbing my head to the music... and then the tempo of the song and my head nodding ring in the thought... where have I seen something with this great song in it?

And then it hits me... while this real nice professional and friendly lady is confirming my interest rate, and I should be paying closer attention... at this point I am just hearing her voice, not so much the words... blankly staring at the pre-approval letter.... and my biggest hope is that she doesn't peace together the song... the bobbing of my head... my blank stare at the page and my pained attempt to hold in hysterical laughter....

have you figured it out?

need a hint?

two words

Chris Farley

I felt like I could be in a scene of The Office... professional setting, serious business... and I'm some flake who can't concentrate because a nearly twenty year old scene from Saturday Night Live is making me fight down, with every fiber of my being, an uncontrolable giggling fit.

and this is the story of my life... a thirty something goof-ball... in stunning technicolor...

Good Day... I said, Good Day!

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