Tuesday, April 07, 2009

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Ah, my allergies are starting to bug me... the neighbor's little black car is starting to look a little green in the sunlight... its A's birthday, (3 already, how can that be?)... promos for the Stanley Cup finals are playing on TV... the O's still look promising (as of this morning, they are not only tied for first.. heck, they're undefeated!)... {and it wasn't until I typed that last line that the promise of disappointment to come entered my brain}

It is finally Spring, that wonderful time when my two favorite sports overlap, and I'm filled with optimism for the potential of my two favorite teams... I can now start wearing two shirts with short sleeves, instead of three shirts with long sleeves... my knees, ankles, and now neck and ribs don't ache nearly as much with the lingering reminders of long ago sports, and auto injuries.

Ah, Spring... playing in the yard, laughter, the smell of grass clippings and an well oiled ball mitt...