Saturday, April 19, 2008

I'm a Liar...

let me explain...

So this morning I made waffles for the boys and myself, whole grain with bits of real strawberries in each one. They were wonderful, but I had to lie to the boys and tell them that they had little candy bits in each one, that was the only way that they would even taste them. I hate to even think it for fear of sounding like my dad, but when I was their age, real fruit in or on any meal was enough to get me interested.

Why is it that my kids always seem to have room for candy, but are full and can't eat another bite when it something halfway healthy on the table? I guess maybe its because we don't eat that much candy in our house, they are kind of like seagulls when their is anything heavy with sugar on the counter.

oh, btw.... totally off topic.......... GO CAPS!!!

1 comment:

The Bass Player's Wife said...

My mother so successfully brainwashed me that I still don't really like candy. She would say to me, "You won't like that. It's nothing but pure sugar."
Thirty two years old and I still catch myself saying pretty much the same thing!