Friday, July 27, 2007

I must really Love my Kids...

You see the dark lord of the Sith that he is playing with? It's on the table right there behind him. Well, just yesterday it was still Mint in the Box, rarely in the last 11 years has it even seen the light of the sun. I have enjoyed that stupid thing more in the last few hours since I sliced the tape on the box, than I ever did in the past decade of hiding it away for the mythical big money toy sale.
Who am I kidding? I like toys too much to sell, well most of them anyway...

and besides that, the fun he's had with it already is worth way more than that hunk of plastic could ever bring on the collector market. I think what I really like most is watching him enjoy the toy.



Set them free! Set them free!
The sad thing is that only recently I realized that there is going to be NO money to be made off them. Back in '96 or '97 when we started the whole collecting thing, anything was possible. There wasn't a lot of stuff and everything had been sooo improved on since we were kids. Well now the market is flooded, Star Wars is bigger than ever and the toys from the 90's are as weak as the old Kenner stuff when compared to what they make now. Have you picked up a Star Wars figure lately? They are amazing! The amount of detail and possability is stunning. They have a vintage series out now, new figures in classic packaging in a plastic case. Find IG-88 and get him. Amazing. Then give all your old toys to little B, you'll end up having more fun than him. :)

Bryan H said...

And now you know the power of the dark side. Together you can rule the galaxy as father and son.